Sidewalk Siren No. 2: Project Progress

As a kid up through my early 20’s I had never felt at ease in front of a camera. My comfort zone and safe space was behind a camera, not because I wanted to be Annie Lebowitz but because I knew I wouldn’t be seen. At an early age I realized, if I was alway seen carrying a camera, everyone would ask me to take their picture and they’d not think to ask if I’d wanted my picture taken. Which work out perfectly for me! Throughout those years, I began growing accustomed to not being in front of the camera, that when the time came to take school portraits or family photos everything felt forced. From my smile to my poses, I was never at ease. When those photos were developed, I noticed I looked unhappy and just plain bad. From then onward I swore to never have my picture taken unless it was out of my control or it was a group photo where I could hide in the back. I can count on my hands how many photos there are of me during that time. It wasn’t until I found myself surrounded by strong and inspirational women who helped and continuously help me to find my inner confidence. One of the reasons I started this blog was to push myself, to make sure I wouldn’t fall back into my old ways and to constantly remind myself that we are all works of art in progress.
Enough of this emotional talk! Let discuss the dress hunty! I bought this dress from Charlotte Russe a few summer back, unfortunately its no longer available however fear not, I found some alternatives for every budget! You can find the links at the bottom of the page!

What is that one thing about yourself, the thing that you need to constantly work at? Your confidence? Temper? I loved to know! Msg me!
As promised, here are the links:
Floral Off the Shoulder Maxi Dress, Floral Front Slit Dress , View from the Meadow Dress, Off the Shoulder Floral Gown,